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Dr. Stan's Biblical Perspectives


Sermon Archives
"A Christmas Gift for Some Shepherds"
"Harvesting Fruit that will Remain"
"A Glorious Homecoming"
"Some Characteristics of a Great Church"
"A Hurting Lady Meets the Healing Lord"
"A Place for His Glory"
"A Readiness to Die"
"A Living Hope"
"Follow the Shepherd"
"Even So Send I You"
"Real Evidence of Real Salvation"
"Feeding a Multitude of People"
"Determined to Finish Well"
"Genuine Worship by the Believer"
"The Conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch"
"Bringing a Friend to Jesus"
"The Conversion of Cornelius"
"Chosen to be a Deacon"
"A Psalm of Thanksgiving"
"Reasons to Love My Church"
"Living a Life of Integrity"
"Global Warming"
"The Day Death Met Deity"
"Growing Old Gracefully"
"The Preeminence of Christ"
"How to Discover the Perfect Will of God"
"We are in the Army Now"
"The Trial of a Woman of Faith"
"Membership in the Local Church"
"Soul Winning & Visitation Class"
"It's Time to Confront the Hypocrisy in Our Culture"
"On the Battlefield for Our Lord"


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