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Dr. Stan's Biblical Perspectives

Dr. Stan's Biblical Perspectives

  • Virtual Classroom
    click the sessions below to view
Finishing The Task That God Has Given Us
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4 Part 1
Session 4 Part 2
Session 5
Session 6 Part 1
Session 6 Part 2
Session 7 Part 1
Session 7 Part 2
Session 8
Session 9
Session 10
Session 11
Session 12
Accountable Stewardship For Every God Called Servant
Session 1
Session 2 – Part 1
Session 2 – Part 2
Session 3
Session 4 – Part 1
Session 4 – Part 2
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8 - Part 1
Session 8 - Part 2
Session 9
  • Magazines
    click the title below to view
"A Passion for Souls" - March/April 2020
"A Passion for Souls" - January/February 2020
  • Bible Commentaries - NEW Series
    click the title below to view
"Turning Our Pain Into Praise"
"Wisdom for a Worldly Church"
"Finding Joy in the Midst of an Unhappy World"
"Jonah: A Prophet with a Bad Attitude"
  • Articles
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"Responding Properly to the Call of God"
"When Our Faith Falters"
"Is Covert Mission Activity Biblical?"
"Manifesting Genuine Christianity"
"The Under-Challenged Church"
"Which Clique Or Camp Are You In?"
"Why Are So Many Churches Dwindling And Dying?"
"Personal Agendas"
"Should Christians be Cremated?"
  • Sermons
    click the title below to view
NEW! "It Is Time To Cross Jordan"
Scripture: Joshua 3:1-17
A Written Expository Message Encouraging Us To Cross Over To Victorious Living.
"The Call of God to Become a Peculiar People
and a Holy Nation"
"The Promise to Our Fellowship"
"The Products of Our Fellowship"
"The Horrible Place Called Hell"
"A Faithful Father is Rewarded"
"A Demonstration of Jesus' Love"
"Paul's Prayer for the Fullness of God"
2024 Newsletters
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2023 Newsletters
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  • Newsletter Archives
  • Resources
I would like to mention that I am now making available numerous CD’s, DVD’s, and Bible study outlines from my many years of study and preaching. If you would like some of these, just please call our office and we will send them to you right away. And of course, as JoAnne and I now travel throughout the USA, we are offering these materials in the churches where I speak. The following is a list of what we now have available and the requested donation for these materials.




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