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Dr. Stan's Biblical Perspectives
  • African sunset from Safari in East Tsavo National Park
  • Bart Grant holding a child at the Nairobi Children's Rescue Center
  • Bart Grant singing at a  women's prison
  • Elephant seen at East Tsavo National Park
  • Gifts from GIMI at one of the prisons
  • Gifts given to a Nairobi prison
  • GIMI team giving soap, flour, and toilet tissue to a juvenile center
  • GIMI team giving soap, flour, and toilet tissue to boys at a juvenile center
  • GIMI team visiting with Sammy Mbugua's mom
  • Joey Brown sharing the Gospel with some young men at a juvenile detention center
  • Joey Brown sharing the love of God with little ones at the Children's Rescue Center
  • Mildred Catron helping a blind little girl feel secure.
  • Pastor Joel with little girl at Nairobi Children's Rescue Center
  • Pastor Sammy Mbugua teaching children at Nairobi Rescue Center
  • Prisoners listening to the Word of God at one of the prisons
  • Prisoners who asked Jesus to save them.
  • Sister Mildred Catron sharing the love of Jesus with one of the orphans at a children's rescue center.
  • Thika School for the Visually Impaired receiving gifts from GIMI mission team.
  • Bart Grant giving knuckle bumps with the children
  • Bart Grant singing in a school in Uganda
  • Brother Bart Grant leading in worship at one of the schools
  • Children (who live in prison with their moms) in their new clothes from Mildred Catron
  • Children at the Shiperoy School singing to the Mission Team
  • GIMI Board Member Mildred Catron bringing gifts to children in prison with their moms.
  • GIMI Pastor Fred translating for Joey Brown at one of the prisons
  • GIMI Pastors John and Fred sharing Jesus with the prisoners
  • Many prisoners getting saved during the invitation
  • Mildred sharing the love of Jesus with children in a school in Uganda
  • Mission team in a prison officer's office
  • Pastor Joel giving volleyballs to the Makindye School
  • Pastor Joel preaching the Gospel in a large prison
  • Pastor Joel sharing Jesus with students in Uganda
  • Pastor Joel, Bart Grant and Joey Brown playing volleyball with prisoners
  • Pastor Joel's team arriving at a prison in Uganda
  • Pastor Joel's team giving soap, toothpaste, and deoderant
  • Pastor Joel's team greeting the officer in charge of a prison
  • School children perform for the mission team
  • Sister Esther from Dunamis radio sharing the love of Jesus with students in the Makindye School
  • Sister Mable meeting our team at GIMI assisted Shiperoy School
  • Sister Mildred bringing deoderant to lady prisoners in a Uganda prison


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